Yazzi here!
I’m passionate about living simply and authentically. And my goal is to help you create a simple happy life. A life that is defined by you! That will improve your relationships with yourself, home and loved ones. That way you can spend more time doing what you love or exploring whatever that could be. My life’s motto:

Let go of anything that doesn’t make you feel good, that prevents you from being who you authentically are so you can embrace life fully!empower
Be so confident about who you are that nothing prevents you from living the life you have dreamed of having for yourself every day!explore
Try new things, have new adventures, continue to learn until you find what sparks the light inside of you and your happinessMy Story
I have spent years believing that having it all and doing it all was going to bring me happiness, boy was I wrong.
After spending 10 years in corporate America struggling to open my eyes every morning, I realized that happiness was something I found in myself not in my career or in the things I owned. I began to question society's rules, family expectations, and stigmas that women were made for cleaning/cooking/and childbearing.
The more I let go of limiting beliefs and things, the simpler my life became.
As someone who has tried doing all the things, let me tell you, happiness is not about the things, it’s all about your desire to accept yourself for who you are - no matter what the world thinks.
I noticed my health begin deteriorating in 2012. By 2016, my hair was falling out and thinning, I was constantly bloated, my cystic acne was getting worse, my arthritis was incredibly painful, I had insomnia, and my night sweats were out of control.
I had tried many different healing protocols, spent thousands of dollars on supplements, went to naturopaths, and doctors, but I always ended up back where I started or worse off.
At the end of 2019, I found the Bean Protocol and it completely reversed all of my ailments that were caused by overproducing hormones.
I followed the protocol to a T, but since have found an intuitive approach to my healing that isn’t so restrictive and feels connected to my truth.
My hope is to share what I learned with you so you can find an intuitive way to your own healing.
Check out my popular blog posts
i grew up in LA and have since lived in Albuquerque, Melbourne Australia, and currently Phoenix Az.
I have a strong passion for travel and music. I’ve been to over 100 concerts and have danced at every single one.
When I’m not traveling this beautiful planet, you can find me taking walks around my neighborhood, cooking with my boyfriend, or watching reruns of Law & Order SVU and Parks & Rec.
Coffee was my morning ritual... now it’s just a hot cup bueno coffee and oat milk.