The Bean Protocol Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Answers

What are the most common questions I get about the Bean protocol? Every day I get tons of replies!

And I’ve got the answers! Let’s talk about The Bean Protocol Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). These are the most commonly asked questions about the bean protocol diet.

Let’s get started with these questions and answers!

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    What is the Bean Protocol Diet?

    The Bean Protocol Diet is a healing protocol that promotes the removal of toxic bile with the soluble fiber found in beans and by reducing or eliminating hormonal inducing stimulants like caffeine, sugar, fragrances, and stress.

    But get all the details, including my experience on the Bean Protocol Here.

    What does the Bean Protocol Help With?

    Bean Protocol Frequently Asked Questions - healing issues

    Karen Hurd claims the Bean Protocol helps with a wide range of ailments. You can find all of her courses to heal many issues here.

    Specifically, the bean protocol has helped me clear my cystic acne, regain energy, balance my hormones, heal my arthritis completely, help with hair growth, stop acid reflux, stop bloating, transformed my digestive tract and bowel movements, cured insomnia, and stopped PMS completely.

    Others have claimed, diabetes, it’s helped with infertility, ulcerative colitis, chrons, fatty liver, gallbladder stones, and many more ailments.

    Is the Bean Protocol Legit?

    Yes! The Bean Protocol is legit. After being on the protocol for over a year, I can testify to the magic of beans.

    It makes sense because most ancient cultures all include beans/legumes in their diet in the research I’ve done. Some cultures eat up to 150 grams of beans a day! That’s because they’re incredible for your body.

    What else did our ancestors do? They didn’t eat as much hormonal stimulating foods like sugar and caffeine, nor did they have highly stressful jobs and lives. 

    The Bean Protocol works because it gets us back to basics: whole foods, protein, and a ton of beans. (But I also don’t believe we need to cut out coffee and sugar forever… just during the healing process. Once healed, you slowly introduce them back until you’ve found your tolerance levels).

    What do you eat on the Bean Protocol?

    Bean Protocol Frequently Asked Questions - what do you eat?

    Here are the basics of what you can and can’t on the bean Protocol

    • No caffeine

    • No sugar

    • No dairy

    • No ultra processed food

    • No fatty meats

    • Eat 3 half-cup servings of legumes (beans, split-peas or lentils) a day

    • The rest of your intake should include lean meat, leafy green vegetables, and vegetables.

    Don’t forget to adjust if you have any allergies are are currently following low-fodmap or any other type of diet.

    Do beans detox the Liver?

    Karen Hurd has found that the soluble fiber found in beans and other legumes attaches to the fat-soluble bile in the liver (filled with excess toxins and hormones), which then leaves the body in the form of a bowel movement.

    Without soluble fiber, the bile recirculates, which over time will become noxious. And boom, your liver gets detoxed, and you’re on your way to feeling better. 

    How much beans do you eat on the Bean protocol?

    Depending on the protocol you have a minimum of 1.5 cups of beans are recommended on the protocol. You can eat up to two tablespoons per serving multiple times a day or one Β½ cup servings 3x a day.

    Which Beans are best for the Bean Protocol?

    Nearly every Bean, Lentil and Split Peas are great for the Bean Protocol excluding soy bean. This doesn’t mean your body will be able to tolerate every legume. In fact, many people say chickpeas are best, while others have issues.

    Best tip is to start small and test every bean. Need more tips get the Beans for Healing Ultimate Bundle!

    The beans that I can eat without issues are Cannellini Beans (YUM), Black Beans, Pinto Beans, Kidney Beans, split peas, lentils, and chickpeas! I have plenty of recipes inside the Beans for Healing Ultimate bundle, so you might want to grab it!

    How do you eat beans in the morning?

    It’s as simple as opening a can of beans, rinsing them, and just shoving a tablespoon into your mouth.

    Seriously, this is easy!! But I also love pinto beans in my breakfast burrito, black beans, or cannellini beans with over-easy eggs and sauteed spinach. Let me know if you want to see these recipes in real life!

    One of my favorite breakfasts with hard-boiled eggs, especially during winter, is Tunisian Chickpea with Swiss Chard.

    Do beans make everyone fart?

    No, beans don’t make everyone fart.

    When you eat beans regularly, you fart less. Here’s a quick explanation of why this is true.

    Bile is constantly being reabsorbed and sent back to the liver. Bile is filled with all the garbage our body wants to get rid of, but it can only do that when there is soluble fiber because soluble fiber can’t get reabsorbed.

    If we are not getting enough soluble fiber, the bile can no longer efficiently digest the foods in the intestinal tract.

    Instead of digesting the foods, the bile ferments the foods. Fermentation always causes gas. This is why we fart even if we don’t eat beans. 

    Can I lose weight by just eating beans?

    Bean Protocol Frequently Asked Questions - can I lose weight

    It definitely can help. If you want to lose weight, many things need to happen: veggies, protein, low-impact exercise (this includes dancing in your room and doesn’t mean you have to be a gym rat), and finding new ways to manage stress.

    And regularly eating beans helps the entire process.  

    Why are beans bad for you?

    Only raw beans are bad for you because of the toxic lectins they contain. Cooked or pressured cooked beans are great for you! 

    First, what are lectins? Lectins are a type of carbohydrate-binding protein found in almost all foods, plants, and animals. Not all lectins are toxic, but those found in plants can be toxic.

    When lectins, especially those found in beans and grains are not correctly prepared, it can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.  

    How do we stop this from happening? Rinse and cook beans well! That's it. Lectins are removed and your is belly safe. But if you want to be extra safe, I definitely recommend using a pressure cooker like an Instant Pot to cook your dried beans.

    Is lectin a bean?

    Nope! Lectin isn’t a bean. And as described before, lectins exist in pretty much all foods, plants, and animals and carbohydrate-binding protein. But not all lectins are toxic, but toxic lectins can cause a lot of harm if the food isn’t prepared properly.

    Can you eat too many beans?

    Not really, but you do need to have a balanced diet with protein and veggies. Most people only need 1.5 cups of beans a day to maintain their health.

    And the maximum they need are 3 cups.

    But beans are very dehydrating, so make sure to drink plenty of water or else you won’t feel so hot.

    So, What happens if you eat beans every day?

    If you eat beans every day, there will be many benefits. Better digestion, less bloating, clearer skin, more energy, more minor PMS symptoms, balanced hormones, less inflammation, and tons of other things - but just try it out for yourself. 

    One word of caution, there will be a period of detox and withdrawal, and how long this period lasts all depends on your current health situation. 

    I’m going to be completely honest, if you have severe or chronic issues it can take anywhere from three months to five years to heal. 

    But if you’re not chronic, like me (my hormones were just severely imbalanced due to stress and not knowing how to nourish my body), I started to see positive results in just two weeks!

    It only took six months to get my hormones in check.

    Can You Eat Fruit on the Bean Protocol?

    Bean Protocol Frequently Asked Questions - Can you eat fruit?

    Nope! This is a big no-no according to Karen Hurd. Again, this is a hormone disruptor particularly when you’re health isn’t 100%. But when you do feel like your health is amazing, it’s definitely okay to eat fruit.

    Feeling like not having fruit is a bit shit? Read Is the Bean Protocol Too Restrictive?

    Can you eat eggs on the bean protocol?

    Yes! Eggs are absolutely allowed on the bean protocol. Why? Because we need protein and eggs are a fantastic source of protein, and it’s also a great source of fat. 

    Can you eat rice or grain on the Bean Protocol?

    Yes! The only people who should not eat rice or grain are people who are trying to lose weight. However, if you’re exercising on the bean protocol you need carbs! And if you’re feeling good and love the way your body feels then rice or grains than I belive you should have at it!

    Here’s my take about Eating Grains on the Bean Protocol.

    There you have it! The most frequently asked questions and answers about the Bean Protocol!

    Do you have any questions you want to be answered? Leave them below!

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    Yazzi | Intuitive Wellness Coach

    Teaching you the intuitive approach to health, wellness, woo, & the bean protocol. Got too many hormones? Free Guide: Reset Your Hormones with BeansπŸ‘‡

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